VIDEO Test-Run – May 2020 – ACTIVE 808

ACTIVE 808 mod. 120 8 colours Max. print width 1200mm Max. print length 850mm Solvent-based inks and LEL control. Materials to be print à LDPE, HDPE, BOPP Double unwinder with manual reel changes – max reel Ø 800mm Fully automatic rewinder with Double flying splice system – max reel Ø 800mm MC-System – Manual inking […]

Flexo UV LED

Is it possible to hold the performance and practicality of a wide-band Flexo machine using the UV + LED technology? Expert has re-designed one of its most successful machines to achieve the first fully UV + LED machine. Expert next month will show the first entirely UV + LED press for the AMERICAN market. Single […]

VIDEO Test-Run – June 2020 – EVOLUTION 6 COLOR

EVOLUTION 1106 mod. 160 6 colours Max. print width 1600mm Max. print length 1100mm Carbon fiber mandrel Solvent-based inks and LEL control. Materials to be print: polyethylene Single unwinder type; SI-80 -> max reel Ø 800mm Single rewinder type; AI-100 -> max reel Ø 1000mm AC-System – Automatic inking and washing system A3P® – Automatic print pressure […]

Open house 10-11 giugno 2019

EVOLUTION 1208 mod. 130 Number of colors: 8 Print width: 1300 mm Print length range: from 470 to 1250 Ink type: water-based inks (the customer will print on paper) ReWinder and UnWinder: Automatic reel change with flying splice (bidirectional) Automatic print pressure preset A3P® Drying system with Gas burner Automatic ink and washing system AC-System […]

TEST RUN – from the 10th to the 13th of March 2020 – ACTIVE 808

Test-run  22st, 23rd, 24th of July 2020 We’re going to do the test run of our new 10 color CI print press during the 22st, 23rd, 24th of July 2020 IF interested please fill the form below. Belows the CI print press details. COMPACT 610 mod. 100  –> download the data-sheet (COMPACT) 10 colours Max print width 1000mm […]

InfoFlex 2019 – May 6-7 | New Orleans

After our first sales in the United State Expert is more than ever ambitious to show itself. Reliability and easy-solutions are part of Expert’s DNA and seem to be the right key to establish a reputation also overseas. Join us at Booth 329 info:

TEST RUN – from the 15th to the 19th of October 2020 – Evolution 1108+1

Evolution 8+1

Test-run   15th, 16th, 19th of October 2020 We’re going to do the test run of our new 8+1 color CI print press during the 15th, 16th, 19th of October 2020 IF interested please fill the form below. Belows the CI print press details. EVOLUTION 1108 mod. 130  –> download the data-sheet (EVOLUTION) 8+1 colours Max print width 1300mm Max. […]

New EVOLUTION by Expert, born for Large Repeats

We proudly present to you a preview of a newly designed machine for large printing repeats: EVOLUTION. Evolution, whose main characteristics can be examined on its own page on this EXPERT’s website, is compact and easy to use thanks to its reduced sizes. It is perfect for those customers that need to print large formats and […]

Expert S.r.l. – Flexo Stack, a proposal of flexibility and high quality

Expert S.r.l. – Flexo Stack, a proposal of flexibility and high quality In a sector where the big players in the market do not always get involved, Expert Srl of San Martino Buon Albergo (Verona) offers a Model of Gearless Flexographic Printing Stack Press with characteristics of stability, accuracy of register and great ease of […]

K-show 2019

On the forthcoming month of October in Dusseldorf Germany, will be held Europe’s most enticing exhibition for plastic materials – “K 2019”. Shows are generally meant as ideal places where new ideas meet up with new opportunities, new market and business trends, new technologies, machinery and suppliers, or simply to stay tuned with domains’ future […]

SOLUzioni flessografiche

Expert Srl nasce nel 2004 da un gruppo di esperti di flessografia e del converting ed è caratterizzata dalla passione per il miglioramento continuo. 

Lo scopo di Expert oggi è fornire prodotti ad alta tecnologia focalizzando la nostra attenzione sia all’ottimizzazione della resa industriale che all’impronta ecologica dei nostri prodotti, nel massimo rispetto dell’ambiente. 

La sicurezza degli operatori e delle macchine è un altro aspetto particolarmente curato in tutte le nostre macchine, che sono dotate di sistemi che vanno ben oltre i dettami delle norme sulla sicurezza in vigore.  

I brevetti recentemente depositati da Expert sono un’aperta testimonianza del grande impegno che Expert mette in campo con una Ricerca & Sviluppo incessantemente all’opera.  

Flexographic SOLUTIONS

Expert Srl was founded in 2004 by a group of flexography and converting experts and is characterized by a passion for continuous improvement.

Expert’s goal today is to provide high-tech products by focusing our attention on both optimizing industrial yield and the ecological footprint of our products, with the utmost respect for the environment. 

Operator and machine safety is another aspect that is particularly taken care of in all our machines, which are equipped with systems that go far beyond the dictates of current safety regulations.  

Expert’s recently filed patents are an open testament to the great effort Expert puts forth with relentless Research & Development.  


Morning: 12.00

Afternoon: 15.00


Show case of ZW Features for a total job change over without material waste.

A3P automatic systemf for printing pressure set up;

Printing register set up without using videocamera